Cooking Recipe for Traditional Paella


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We are often asked at the events we cater for about the method of cooking our paella, ingredients used, the time spent, etc…

At Typical Spanish Catering, we always share our recipes, tips and show our customers the ingredients we use. Paella may seem a meal tricky to make, but anyone can be a paella master chef if you use the right ingredients, have the equipment and apply the right method.

Some caterers advertise their paella by saying they use a secret homemade stock, but very often they just use powders high in salt and other artificial flavours. Remember! Paella does not contain any secret ingredient šŸ˜‰

Sometimes people also ask us about the time spent on cooking a paella. This is also a good indicator for the quality and intensity of flavour. We always say that a good paella should take at least 1.5 to 2 hours in order to get the right flavours.Ā 

In our next post, we will explain you some tricks that grandma taught us and we use on our paellas. Don’t miss out!

There you have our Recipe for Traditional Paella:

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 65 gr. well chopped tomato
  • 240 gr. green beans
  • 2 gr. paprika powder
  • 400 gr. chicken
  • 1.5gr. saffron
  • 800 ml. chicken stock
  • 350 gr. Spanish rice
  • 100 ml. Spanish extra virgin olive oil
  • 20 gr. salt


Cut the meat in pieces (egg-sized). Pour the oil and when it is very hot, add the meat. When it is fried golden, add tomato and stir everything until it is well fried. Add the paprika powder and immediately afterwards add the chicken stock, greenĀ beans saffron and salt.Ā Let it boil for 20 minutes (medium flame).

Add the rice, distributingĀ it very well all over the “paellera”. Cook for 7 minutes (high flame) and let it cook for 10 more minutes (low flame).

Once all the stock has been absorbed, it has to rest for 5-10 minutes before being served.Ā 


Typical Spanish Catering Team